Three of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Three of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

403 3 of WandsIn this image a man is facing away and looking out to sea, where we see three ships in the distance.  In his right hand he grips one of the three wands or staffs around him.

The ships always look to me like they are sailing away.  Is the man waiting for them to come back?  He does not look worried or sad as his shoulders are not hunched and he stands straight just looking out to sea.  It is as if whatever he could do, he has done, and the departure of the ships is a necessity and he fully expects them to be back.  Now he must just wait for their return.

The story this image appears to tell is that there are the first favourable returns on your hard work and effort.  After all, the man in the image must have raised the capital to send out the ships on whatever voyage of discovery they have been sent out on.  He obviously cannot count his chickens just yet though as he must wait for the ships to return, but he has every right to feel satisfied that things are moving forward.  This card looks like the next scene after the Two of Wands.  He has made his decision and now he focuses on the project, the goal.

These are the Three of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card indicates the first favourable returns on your hard work and effort. It is the first sign of success after a difficult time. Do not count your chickens just yet though; be careful not to boast or celebrate just yet, wait until all the results are in. For now just be pleased that you’re doing a good job.

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