Page of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Page of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #PageofCups tarot card meanings and imagery. This card most likely indicates the need to get in touch with your inner child. What is it that you really want and need?On this is a court card and we see a young man dressed in colourful attire and holding a cup containing a fish.  Behind him we see an ocean, representing the water quality of this card.

The Pages, because of their youthful expressions always represents a child or young person’s energy for me.  The young man in this image seems very playful and sweet to me; just look at the way he stands, not entirely straight and with his hand on his hip.  He has a pleasant, happy expression on his face and shows a nurturing, kind quality in the way he looks upon the fish in his cup.  As this is a cups card, and emotions, I would say this is also someone who shows innocence in his emotions.

If we take the court cards to represent people in readings, then we can assume that either they encompass the characteristics shown in the card or need to assume some of these qualities.  This young man would seem to represent the embracing of dreams and emotions and to give your concentration over to them, but in a playful innocent way.

These are the Page of Cups tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card most likely indicates the need to get in touch with your inner child. What is it that you really want and need? Listen to that inner voice and fulfil your basic needs; play, have fun, follow that dream. May indicate a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces child.

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