Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #WheelofFortune tarot card meanings and imagery. Key Words: Destiny, Turning Point, Movement, Personal Vision, LuckI have to admit, it’s not so easy for me to switch off the tarot reader part of my brain as I look at this card. I can’t seem to drive out of my mind the knowledge that I have about its meaning and just focus on the image. Perhaps this is because at first glance, the image doesn’t actually seem to show anything clearly.

So, when a situation arises where an image seems confusing, the first thing to do is to look to the name of the card; in this instance it is the Wheel of Fortune. Fortune would indicate a positive or lucky occurrence, fate, luck and combine these notions with the Wheel and it makes me think of a turning wheel, of change especially as we see the different creatures around the wheel in the image. In fact the four winged creatures in the corners of the card, suggest the four different elements as in astrology and the tarot deck itself; we move through different elements, times and situations in our lives. The creatures in the clouds almost take on the appearance of angels, and they each have a book, as if they are writing or reading the destinies inscribed therein.

The wheel in the centre of the image has inscriptions, and we see a ‘T’ in the north, an ‘A’ in the east, ‘R’ in the south and an ‘O’ in the west. For the wheel to spell the word TAROT it would need to rotate 360°.

The image is clearing talking about change, but the fact that the whole scene is taking place in the sky, out of the reach of us Earth bound humans, shows that the changes are out of our control. It makes me think that fate is taking charge; all we can do is take heart and know that the Wheel of Fortune keeps turning and we can trust in our futures.

These are the Wheel of Fortune tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

Key Words:  Destiny, Turning Point, Movement, Personal Vision, Luck

General:  Today could see a change where fate steps in and takes a hand!  The Wheel of Fortune usually indicates a positive change of luck, but change is not always welcomed by everyone!  Just be prepared for surprises and trust that whatever happens, it is for your highest good.

Love:  A chance meeting or surprise could affect your love life today.  If you’ve been pushing and trying to make things happen, know that at this time fate has stepped in; it’s wiser to stop resisting and just go with the flow and let fate guide you!

Work:  Today your luck could be in at work!  Keep your eyes and ears open for any opportunities and make the most of the changes and chances fate puts in your path today.

This card usually indicates a positive change of luck.  While we design and forge our own destinies, there are times when things are just taken out of our hands.  The Wheel of Fortune and fate keeps turning; everything changes.  Be open to this change to receive the most from it.

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