Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #KnightofCups tarot card meanings and imagery. This card may indicate a young adult who is a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, or it may be someone older displaying the young energy and qualities of these signs.This court card shows a knight on a horse.  He is sitting upright in the saddle and holding a cup before him, while his horse marches forward. 

The image on this card makes me think of the ‘knight in shining armour on his white steed’.  He looks like every damsel’s dream with the wings on his helmet slicked back, his shiny armour and the way he seems to be offering his cup, symbolic of offering his heart. 

However, it all looks too staged.  This knight while promising a romantic ideal may lack some real substance.  For starters, his focus is entirely on the cup.  His emotions, as represented by the cup, are the only thing he seems to be aware of.  He is not guiding his horse forwards, just staring at the cup.  He may have a goal, but does not seem very focused on achieving it.  The horse marches forward, but even he does not seem to know where they are headed as he has his head lowered and is not looking straight ahead.

This knight represents a beautiful, romantic dream, but offers very little in the way of practicality.

These are the Knight of Cups tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card may indicate a young adult who is a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, or it may be someone older displaying the young energy and qualities of these signs. This is a young romantic, who has a goal, but is not quite sure how to achieve it yet. They may appear to say and do everything right, but could prove to be unreliable.

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