King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

214 King of PentaclesIn this court card’s image, we see a king sitting on a throne adorned with carved bull’s heads.  His eyes are focused on the coin he holds firmly in his lap.

This king is strong, sturdy, hardworking and grounded.  I say this because these are the qualities of the bull, the animal he has chosen to adorn his throne with.  Also, even though I assume he is sitting at the top of his castle, the greenery and vegetation from the earth below has risen to him and surrounds his throne.  This king is so focused on the coin that I feel he would be very good at accumulating and providing for his kingdom.

The negative aspect to his personality may be that like a bull, he may be too stubborn at times.  This may make him single-minded in the pursuit of goals but could be difficult for the people around him at times.

These are the King of Pentacles tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card may indicate a man who is a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, or someone of another sign displaying these qualities. An extremely hard working man who is capable of achieving much through his thorough nature and diligence. He is respected and diligent but can be stubborn and conservative.

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