Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #TwoofCups tarot card meanings and imagery. This card may indicate a romantic relationship, but it mainly signifies a positive emotional partnership; a relationship of support and love.The image on this card shows a man and a woman facing each other, holding cups which they seem to be exchanging and between them is a caduceus with a lion’s head.

At first the image does seem to show a wedding scene especially with its similarities to the Lovers card. But I think it’s more subtle than that. They are exchanging cups – vessels of water and as such a symbol of their emotions. The caduceus is related to Mercury, the planet of communication, which further speaks of their openness and exchange. The lion’s head is symbolic, for me, of strength and courage.

The story here seems to be of an open loving exchange between two people. Whereas the angel in the Lovers card seemed to be blessing a union, here we see the couple being blessed by the symbol of Mercury and hence communication and openness. What they share is real, honest emotion and when there is feeling like that in a relationship, be it a romance or a friendship, one can totally rely and trust on the other and there is the real sense of support and love.

These are the Two of Cups tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card may indicate a romantic relationship, but it mainly signifies a positive emotional partnership; a relationship of support and love. It may be a close friendship. It signifies joy and sharing and you should feel cared for and loved.

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