Five of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Five of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

405 5 of WandsWe see five men in this image, each holding a rod or staff in a different way and their bodies are all in different positions.   

Are they fighting?  Trying to work together?  Whatever the case, none of them actually look distressed; there seems to be more exuberant jostling than anything else.  If we look to the left of the image, the man here seems to be holding up his stick triumphantly, similar to the two men on the right.  The man in the middle with the red tunic has an enthusiastic look on his face as he seems to swing his staff.  The guy at the back is holding his pole over his shoulder.  So the message is clear; they evidently are facing rivalry or obstacles at this time, but whatever they are facing they see as more of a challenge which they will overcome rather than a hardship or difficulty.  Much like the men in this image, bold action is required, and there appears to be plenty of energy for this.

These are the Five of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

Competition or rivalry may be indicated and the competition may be quite stiff! However this is not a time to fear stepping into the arena, if anything bold action and continued effort will bring rewards. By continuing to believe in your own success and strength the obstacles will seem nothing more than challenges to be overcome.

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