Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

308 8 of SwordsThis image shows a lady blind folded and her body is bound tightly.  A semi-circle of eight swords is behind her.  In the background there is a castle on a mound.

There are two main things here that strike me.  Firstly, if we continue with the premise that the castle represents a goal or ambition, the swords are clearly obstacles to that.  Secondly, I’m sure the woman in the image is scared by the way she is bound, and perhaps she feels she is fully surrounded by the swords, as she cannot see due to the blindfold.  However, if she were to work on her bindings, she would eventually be able to free herself and then remove her blindfold and see that there is a space in front of her from which she could escape and continue on her journey.

Therefore, the story here seems to say that we may feel limited at this time and would like to change and move but are also afraid to do so, as we feel stuck in an uncertain situation.  It is our own fears and doubts that are holding us back, and stopping us from progressing.  By overcoming these fears there is the chance to move forward.  We can remain stuck or wriggle out of our bonds, which to say make small changes so we can affect big ones.

These are the Eight of Swords tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

You may feel limited at this time; like you would like to change and move but are also afraid to do so. It is your own fears and doubts that are holding you back, and stopping you from progressing. You must overcome these fears and move forward. If you feel unable to make big changes, try some small ones to get yourself going.

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