Lovers Tarot Card Meanings

Lovers Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #Lovers tarot card meanings and imagery. Key Words: Decision, Relationship, Sexuality, Personal Beliefs, ValuesI love the vibrancy of the Lovers card and the beauty of the image. It is warm and happy. It gives a sense of love and hope. The sun is shining down and the heavens have opened and show an angel with its arms raised and open seeming to bless the couple that stands below. The couple is naked, and their nakedness, rather than seeming vulgar or sexual seems to convey a sense of innocence. If we look behind the woman on the left, we see an apple tree with a serpent coiled around it. Is this Adam and Eve before the fall? So while the angel above seems to be blessing this couple who stand before each other, with the serpent offering them knowledge, this card is about unions but also about choices.

The over-riding message I get from this card is about love. The image clearly depicts a couple, and the Lovers can refer to romantic love, but I think the other imagery hints at so much more. After all, think about all the things that a person can love; a partner, yes, family members, but we can also be drawn to a path in life that we love. We may love a job, a cause, or even a challenge. So, I think this card is showing that even when we come across something that we love, it is our choice as to whether we opt for that which we love or not. The choice seems to be simple, but nonetheless, it is ours to make.

These are the Lovers tarot card meanings we use in the free readings on Aquarian Insight:

Key Words:  Decision, Relationship, Sexuality, Personal Beliefs, Values

General:  Even if you’re single, today could be all about love!  What that basically means is to follow your heart.  What is it that you really want now?  It could be that you find something or someone that you fall in love with; a person, career, challenge or path in life.

Love:  Today sees a lot of love in your life!  If you’re in a relationship, this card bodes well for how your romance is going.  Even if you’re single, you will feel that sense of bliss and love!  Enjoy it and don’t forget to share these wonderful feelings with those around you who need it.

Work:  You may find yourself facing a choice at work.  Weigh up all the information and then make your decision – as it is the Lovers card, the choice won’t be so difficult and you’ll find it easy to follow your heart.  A word of caution though – don’t mix business with pleasure.

May indicate a loving relationship.  What is it that you really want now?  When we love someone or something we choose that above all else, so decisions and choices are also indicated.  Have you found something or someone that you’ve fallen in love with; a person, career, challenge or path in life?

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