What do you believe?

What Do You Believe?

For every single one of us belief is a fundamental part of life. It directs us on the path that we take through life and the actions we take along the way. Belief can be said to be faith, confidence or trust in someone or something, especially when there is little to no proof or knowledge backing that belief.

I started off life as one with lots of beliefs, but these were my parents beliefs. I come from a very religious family and for the longest time these shaped and guided me. However, as young as 12yrs old I began to develop my own ideas and question the things I had taken as fact my whole life. I am happy to say that this questioning part of me has never failed me. I think it is always good to question, to explore, to look for answers…but what happens when there are none to be found? This is when we must decide ourselves what it is that we believe.

I have at least one friend who would say “If there is no proof for it, then you cannot believe it.” There was an extended period of my life when I would have said the same thing. Different periods in fact. But what happens when you experience incidents, meetings, coincidences, synchronicities and all manner of bizarre occurrences, one after the other? Do you write them off as not real because you cannot find an explanation for them or do you go looking for answers with belief sustaining you on that quest?

I am on that quest. I guess I have been for a long time. I tried to ignore a lot of things that have happened and for anyone that has followed me on Aquarian Insight, you know that I have been pretty absent for about year. I’ve been busy working on other more concrete, solid, real world projects. Do you know what happened when I tried to ignore the weird and fantastical in my life? The frequency at which they appeared increased tenfold.

Beliefs change, I know they have for me many times. You can read through the backlog of posts on here just to see some of them and that is perfectly fine too. Only a fool clings to one belief when there is evidence to the contrary and I have never been afraid to say I was wrong or that something else makes more sense. I know I can be stubborn and often ask for more and more answers. You see, while I can see belief as a working theory, something to be explored, I have a harder time with faith, and maybe that is something that needs to be worked on, or maybe not, we will see.

This work that we do takes belief and a certain mindset. Whether you give readings or receive them, it is vital to ask “What do you believe” because the answer is going to shape what you do with the information you receive. Do you believe in God or a higher being? Are these messages and guidance from your angels? Or those from a higher intelligence in perhaps another dimension? Is it none of these and instead a type of Rorschach test, where we see what we want to in the messages or access a part of our minds that can take the messages that we need the most? Do you believe in reincarnation? Are we souls having a human experience? And so on and so forth…there are so many questions. Our individual answers affect what we do with the information that we receive. This is something that has been becoming more and more obvious to me.

Why am I writing this now? Maybe it’s to do with the recent arrival of Jupiter in my ninth house – the house of higher learning and philosophy. Or maybe it’s the culmination of an extreme journey that I have been on for the past year. It’s time to go looking for answers. I don’t claim to have any right now and I’m hoping you will join me as I explore. Maybe you will have some of the answers. I have experienced things this last year that did not just challenge some of my most firmly held beliefs, but have blown them out of the water.

So, here I am, letting you know that I am back and I’m changing the way I do things in a big way. For starters, after being asked for the longest time to make videos, I have finally cleared my schedule enough to do just that. I’ve been asked to do readings – with a special focus on love readings. I’m still hammering out the plan, but you’ll know more in the coming weeks, so watch this space and the Aquarian Insight YouTube channel.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has stuck with me through this truly gruelling past year. I know that I have not been alone and that just about everyone has gone through what feels like their own individual Hells.

I shall stop for now…it’s good to be back.