Full Moon in Scorpio April 2016

Scorpio Full Moon

Are you ready to transform?

On 21st or 22nd April, depending on what part of the world you are in, we will be experiencing a full moon in Scorpio. Full moons bring illumination to certain areas of our lives and we feel the tug o’ war between the sign the moon is in and it’s opposite on the zodiac, which in this case is Taurus. This time can also see us ending certain patterns in our life. The influence of the full moon affects more than just the day it falls on, but can last for weeks after the event, so it is important to see how it affects us personally.

This full moon is actually more significant because astrologically speaking there are plenty of things going on right now, not least of which is that by the end of this month 5 planets will be retrograde, when Mercury joins Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars. Things may seem frustrating or even stuck for many people right now, but the retrograding planets give us an important opportunity to re-evaluate and reassess what it is that we are doing and maybe even re-visit old plans, projects or even relationships. Added to all this retrograde activity is the fact that we also just passed through eclipse season, which would have affected each of us in a different way.

So what does this full moon tell us? Well, even though I have said that two signs are coming here, the Scorpio effect will be felt more strongly because this is where the moon is right now. The positive aspects of Scorpio are that it is a sign involved with great transformation and through that transformation can come great healing. The darker side of Scorpio is that it speaks about our shadow sides. It is the emotions we don’t want to show, like jealousy, manipulation and deceit. An important thing to note is that we all have a shadow side and this darkness is something that will always exist with our lighter sides. There is no shame or judgement as we all have issues. What Scorpio invites, no not even invites, but urges us to do is to face our darker sides and admit what it is that we do and why we do it. Scorpio is also the sign associated with death and rebirth.

The full moon shines its light down illuminating these Scorpionic energies. We are being urged to look at our own shadow natures. What are we really feeling? What is making us feel intense emotions like love or jealousy? Are we manipulating others with our behaviour? Are we allowing others to manipulate us? Once again there is no judgement here – the reason we choose any kind of behaviour is because it serves us in some way. For example, if we appear to be playing the role of a victim or martyr in some situation, there may be perceived feelings of security attached to those roles because other people look after us or give us sympathy, which we all need at times. We may have betrayed someone, but we won’t see it as a betrayal because we were doing something that protected ourselves. There is no black and white here, just different nuances.

Now, we can use this full moon to explore this darker side and use it to transform and heal. While there may be very good reasons for us to do what we do, we can often get stuck in ways of behaving that no longer serve us, but that we continue to do because it is all that we know and change is not easy. Often leaving some action or behaviour behind can seem very daunting even when we’re not comfortable doing them anymore. We look for reassurances and a guarantee that some other course of action will serve us better, but there are very few reassurances. The only way to begin something new is to end the old, and that more often than not requires a leap of faith and a lot of belief in oneself.

It is also important to look at themes like sex, power and money, as these things often motivate our actions or keep us trapped. But as much as this is a great time for reflection and analysis, we should not be impulsive in our actions or decision making. If you’ve been struggling with evaluating your own dark or shadow side and could do with some help, then a tarot reading may help! You can book one on this site which I can e-mail to you as an mp3 file, or you can call me and speak to me or use messenger to discuss your reading. Mention the below flyer and get 3 minutes free for the call or messenger readings.
