Tarot Readings February 2018 Videos for All Signs

Here are Tarot Readings February 2018! As a reader, I’m very used to tapping into energies and knowing how they feel. The general readings usually have their very own feel and flavour as opposed to personal readings. But this time the energy seemed pretty specific – more like a personal reading than a general one and from the feedback I’ve had, many of you feel the same way! Month after month last year I talked about how intense the energies were. I think ‘bizarre’ is a better word for the start to 2018. I’ve spoken to so many people who have described sleep disturbances (either sleeping too much, or like me, not sleeping at all). Overall, it’s not been bad, but then again, if you’ve been following me for a while, you know I don’t believe in good or bad. I do believe February will be influenced by the energies of the eclipses – we come into the month ushered in by the lunar eclipse in Leo on 31st January and then mid-month we have solar eclipse in Aquarius. I feel a real sense of revelation in the air and that’s the beauty of Aquarius season – we put together the pieces and figure out what we know. Enjoy the detached air energy, everyone, by the end of the month, we’ll be in Pisces season.

To get the latest updates on when videos are uploaded, be sure to subscribe to the Aquarian Insight YouTube channel.

To find out your individual placements, please check out the free birth charts on astro.com.

You can book an individual, personal reading with me here.

Here are your Tarot Readings February 2018 – enjoy!!! If they did resonate with you, why not let me know with a comment!

Aries Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Taurus Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Gemini Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Cancer Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Leo Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Virgo Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Libra Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Scorpio Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Sagittarius Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Capricorn Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Aquarius Tarot Reading for February 2018.

Pisces Tarot Reading for February 2018.