Jupiter in Virgo – What Does It Mean For You?

Will Jupiter Bring a Change of Fortune to Your Life in 2015?

Today, Jupiter leaves the sign of Leo where it has been for roughly the past year and enters Virgo where it will remain until 9th September 2016. Jupiter represents expansion and growth. It can also be called the planet of luck, however it should be noted that it can exaggerate our negative aspects as well as our positive. So while it can bring good fortune, it is more defined by the challenges that we endure and the lessons that we learn from these to grow. The good news is that we can gain wisdom and a higher understanding.

What does Jupiter in Virgo mean for the coming months? Well, Virgo is an Earth sign and so is much more practical than the fiery Leo that Jupiter is leaving. So the expansion and growth will be in the realm of the intellect. This will affect, for example, how we perceive and think of things and our personal philosophies in life. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and the mutability of the sign makes this a flexible time where things are quite elastic and able to be changed. It is very much a time of thinking about service and giving and we can make improvements where it is needed most.

The sense of self is really highlighted here and you may find yourself thinking about how you want to project yourself, both inside and outside. While we look at our ideological values and self-worth, we will also be looking at our relationship to money. In other words, you’ll be assessing those things that are not working for you financially while learning the lessons from challenges that you have had in the area of finance and using these to make more money.

This is just an overall general look at what Jupiter in Virgo will mean. For each individual sign it will be different and even more specific depending on each individual’s natal chart. Take a look at the video below where astrologer Kelly Simas goes into more detail for each individual sign on what you can expect over the coming year.