No Resolutions But Still Progress and Opportunities are Abundant

No Resolutions But Still Progress and Opportunities are Abundant

Many of us are still feeling the effects of Christmas, be they physically or financially and yet we are already almost one month into 2014.  Did you make any new year’s resolutions?  Did you set yourself new goals?  I did not make any resolutions for this year, in the sense of wanting to lose weight or quit a vice.  2013 was not the easiest year for me, but I did find myself moving forward in so many ways and I still feel the natural momentum that was created.  Health issues were some of the biggest hardships for me, and yet they too have helped me.  I was more or less forced to only concentrate on the minutest goals.  However, I found myself achieving so much more this way, than if I kept my eye on the bigger goals.  So, I find myself preferring this method and I wanted to share it with others who may want to do the same.

Most law of attraction type teachings state that one should only concentrate on the big goal and live as if that has happened.  We are advised to keep ourselves in a positive emotional state to help us to achieve this goal.  Like many people, I have never found this an easy thing to do.  Let me use an example that I am sure many of us are familiar with.  We may want to be in a debt-free, abundant financial state.  But I have never been able to think about just the desired end result; not in any positive emotional way anyway.  It always felt like I was lying to myself.  I have a chronic illness, so as well as physical symptoms, sometimes I can get emotionally and mentally overwhelmed by the things that are going on in my life and over the years I have learned to limit this type of stimulation.  In the case of the given example, I do not think about the bigger, end financial result that I am working towards.  Instead I break it down.  One way I do this is that I look at how much money I would like to have by the end of this month; this includes bills or even extra expenses.  This way I know how much work I need to do for that month.  This is important for me those months when I am not at my healthiest and actually allows me to schedule rest days and time to spend recuperating.  But even when I am at my healthiest, this practice has served me well.  Firstly, I am not overwhelmed by trying to work at earning a huge figure for the whole year.  It is broken down into manageable chunks.  The best part is that once I stop feeling overwhelmed and even at my sometimes slow pace start making progress, I often achieve much more than even I had planned to.

Yes, we all need that big dream, that end goal that we want to get to, but often breaking down the path to that goal into practical manageable chunks is the best way to achieve what we want.  I have had people tell me that this is not having faith in my future/the Universe/God etc.  On the contrary, I feel that by doing this I am having faith in myself to achieve whatever I need to.  I am honouring my own power and free will and while I may plan out and map my path, I am also open to opportunities and ready to change the direction I am moving in.  The great thing is that I seem to find so many brilliant opportunities coming up for me now; so many more than when I just waited for my cosmic order to come through.  The trick is to set yourself a defined course, even be it on a daily basis, but not to make it too rigid; do not get overwhelmed instead be flexible and open to what may come up.  Also, by working on what I need to do today, I do not waste time on regrets over yesterday, or worry about what will happen tomorrow, I am fully involved in that which I can achieve and change today.

Over the coming weeks I will be sharing more specific techniques with you about how to create the future you want.  Yes, tarot is a great way to explore where we are and what we want, but the choices and power to make changes are within all of us. What about you?  What has worked the best for you in achieving your goals and working towards your dreams?

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