March 2021 General Message and Your Questions

This style of general message is something I started last month and it’s born out of a number of beliefs of mine. Years ago I had a plan to show how one spread could be read in many different ways and I even talked to a few readers to see if they would take part in this experiment with me. This would both illustrate how each reader is a unique filter for messages as well as providing a number of different messages for the collective. Despite some promising conversations, the venture never really happened for a number of reasons. So, when the idea resurfaced a few months ago, this is what I came up with – a video with 3 readings. The first reading, the base reading, is a general read of the month ahead, followed by reads aimed at providing messages for personal reading-style questions which were submitted via you, the viewers. The aim was to show how the same energy could apply to different people in different situations, but also it allowed people to have a personal-type reading, and the collective to see a read/question that may relate to their own situation.

The February General read was a great success but so many of the questions submitted could’ve been answered in a ramble, without the need for cards. I had promised to do that, but the month got away from me, so I wasn’t able to record rambles for more than a couple of the questions.

This month, there were 6 questions submitted and below are the videos I recorded in response to them – 3 rambles and of course the General message.

If you enjoy my work and feel able to or would like to submit a question for future General monthly messages, please consider supporting me via my SubscribeStar page where you will also have exclusive access to the Aquarian Insight Community Discord server. Be sure to follow Aquarian Insight on Odysee to be notified about all new videos. Or consider booking a personal session with me! ❤❤❤

‘What We Don’t Talk About’

One of the questions I received concerned mental health and those dark times that most of us have experienced in varying degrees of severity. Here I share some of my experiences. This is an area that most readers won’t talk about because really we’re not allowed to in case it is seen as us giving professional advice we are not qualified to do so. But as fellow human beings, I think it is important to talk about these times and struggles, even if to show that it won’t always be that way and to share tools and ways we ourselves have used to help us. Those dark times can lead to us feeling alone and separate, so sharing our experiences does dispel the myth that this is something only a few deal with.

‘To Attach or Not To Attach’

One of the reasons I’ve always been eager to record rambles like these is, that here are common themes and ideas that come up in readings and many of the oracle decks widely used. Yet, it is not always possible to have a full discussion of the theme or idea in the middle of a reading, and therefore when applied to one’s own situation can cause more struggle and not less. In this one, I talk about the idea of ‘surrendering the attachment to results’, if this is ever fully possible and the benefits and pitfalls of doing so/not doing so.

‘The Relationship Edition’

There were a couple of questions that came up around relationships and the main focus of this ramble was around communication. It’s such an obvious thing to say that good communication is necessary in a relationship, however it’s the one thing we really seem to struggle with and this can be seen in relationships on a personal one-to-one level, as well as more widely in the public arena.

March 2021 General Message Plus 2 of Your Questions

Here is the actual reading that I did for a collective general reading as long as applied to 2 of the questions that were submitted.