Manifesting Insights From Taurus Season

Those of you that have been following me for a while know how much I’m committed to honouring the message and I treat just about everything as guidance. So when I happened to come across The Oracle of E deck which I had not even used in about 2 years, I knew it was time to delve more deeply into manifesting.

So here in their entirety (almost, a couple are missing) are all the videos I posted to Instagram with their accompanying posts. I loved this Manifestation Challenge and am looking forward to coming across the next challenge.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge Intro

Need some extra help with setting intentions? Manifesting? Or working on your dreams? I came across this deck just now and have decided I’ll use it every day throughout Taurus season! Check out my story every day for the card I pull!

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 1

ALL SIGNS – so IG story was playing silly buggers with my posts today, so decided to just post this here. We got 2 today.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 2

ALL SIGNS – daily manifestation with the Oracle of E for #taurusseason. I’ll give you an example of how that “Why?” works for me. I mentioned people blaming others has been bugging me, so I ask myself “Why does it bug me?” I realised because I’m being forced to interact with a lot of toxic and negative people I normally would not be around. “Who’s forcing you, Jay?” No-one, it’s an expectation I’ve placed on myself. Also, because everyone is mourning, I’m not as direct and straight as I normally would be because I’m being “kind and considerate”. So it’s not the blame that’s bugging me (usually that shit just slides off me) it’s the fact that I’m not being true to myself and hadn’t really spent much time by myself in a while. So I spent yesterday doing what made me happy – videos for weeklies all day, Minecraft and a few episodes of ‘Black Summer’ (zombie show) to relax in the evening. It was enough to shift my energy and my vibration. I woke up feeling all jazzed this morning, even though I have a long work day ahead. We have no business honouring others unless we can honour ourselves first. I did some major Temperance action in my life this weekend and saw The Devil in the mix (as we all know, the Devil is always us) blew it apart with some Tower action and now ready to pick my Star for this week. It all serves us, but only if we stop kicking the shit out of ourselves and actually ask ourselves ‘Why?’

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 3

ALL SIGNS – Manifestation challenge Taurus season. One of the things I notice a lot when people leave comments on videos/posts is how many people say “I hope” or “I’m waiting”. Like attracts like – so when you hope, or when you wait, firstly you’re saying you have no power in this situation, secondly you will get back more things to hope for and more things to wait for. The reason I’m doing this manifestation series is because too many people skim the surface of what manifestation is and lack an understanding of their true power and co-creation abilities. I hope for others, because I have no control over their fates/paths but never for myself and I can’t remember the last time I waited for anything. When you’re busy doing what you love, expressing love, feeling love, love comes pouring back at you. But if you have the idea of love tied up with one person, event or situation, you’ll miss it. I see it everywhere, in shops when I’m out and about, friends, family, my tribe. Even when people come to me wanting a romantic partnership, I ask them to go work on friendships/platonic relationships, because that vibration of love doesn’t know the difference between friends/lovers, it is universal and once you become a beacon of love, you see it everywhere. So armour up love Warriors and let’s go do this! Love you guys ❤ ❤

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 4

ALL SIGNS – I understand that this one is a tough one to get our heads around. It took me forever to comprehend this truth, but once I did, it changed everything for me. I believe everything happens for my highest good. How I came to believe that was by realising my idea of good and bad was basically screwing me royally. I was never one of those people who blamed anyone else, I always believed everything was my fault and my responsibility and if it didn’t go ‘right’ and by that I mean, kept everyone involved happy, I was a f**k up and a failure. Ever tried to keep everyone happy? Yeah, I spent a lot of time kicking the shit out of myself. In a nutshell what changed is I realised blame is ridiculous, as everyone was just trying to do what was right for them and furthermore, good/bad, dark/light, positive/negative etc are 2 sides of the same coin. Out of the greatest darkness and negative can come the most beautiful and positive. The darkest times of my own life showed me my ability to shine bright, not for others, but for me. I don’t remember the last time I tried to make people happy or worried about the impact me being me would have on others. I have my own back and I am divinely guided. If I trust myself completely and don’t allow my feelings to cloud my judgement or my brain to over think everything to dust, but instead look for the love in every situation, it always, not sometimes, but ALWAYS works out for my benefit. After all, I can’t believe that any divine energy is anything but love, because we’re all love. It’s our fixation with end results that messes us. Whatever we’re looking for long-term, we can find in ourselves short-term and that will always be reflected in the outer world. So are you divinely protected and guided? Whatever the answer, and there are no wrong answers, is the next clue on this treasure hunt we call life.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 5

ALL SIGN – These 2 actually make perfect sense. If Time to Fly is the moment where the Fool stands on the edge of the cliff ready to take that Leap of Faith, Free Fallin’ would be him, mid-leap. Can you imagine how freeing that would feel? Exhilarating, exciting and yes, scary too, but so empowering. Appearances mean absolutely nothing – @romani_fire and I were having one of our epic daily chats yesterday and I said “Life is such a curious thing. We all look at the same picture and see so many different colours”. Our experiences are so individual but together we can see the most vibrant amazing things. It is the journey, the leap, the fall, the flight, and just about everything and everyone is just whizzing by but every now and then we find people going at the same pace, following similar paths and even if they don’t see our colours, they add to them. Choices, my lovelies, we all have them, even if it’s to choose how to experience a situation or person, but that choice is there and with practice we can learn to notice even the specks of beauty in an otherwise discordant and chaotic picture. We truly do have that power and when we notice them, they begin to spread like wildfire.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 6

ALL SIGNS – I started writing a post for this but it got too long and rambly so I decided to hop on and have a little talk about emotions. It’s the very basics and this is something we could teach a course on, but it’s so worth the discussions, because once we crack the emotion code, we crack our limitless potential!
One of the reasons I’m enjoying the Manifestation Taurus Season so much is that we are getting to look at all the different components of co-creating the experiences we want, which is ultimately what manifestation is.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 7

ALL SIGNS – What is spirituality? The dictionary defines it as “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” I have always said that as a reader I bring my spirituality to the work that I do, because I firmly believe there is more to all of us than just this physical body. Some of us see it as a divine universal energy, others as God, angels, guides etc etc the labels, right?! But at the core of all this is a belief that there is more and we are a part of it. Yet, in the day to day, we forget that. Our ego self (and we all have one and it’s not a sin or a crime to have one) feels it’s here doing everything alone. This is why I am a big believer in belief (Yes, read that again).

Belief is so important because when we truly believe, no matter what we believe in, it will dictate the actions we take. This is what the Hanged Man teaches us in the tarot. If we are true spiritual, inter-dimensional beings, then there is so much more to this and it’s not always possible to find the 3D words and labels to describe other dimensional concepts and energies.

There is a rhyme and a rhythm to all that happens, a larger web that connects us all. It is our job to do all that we can in our part of this larger existence and know that this energy, this divinity flows through us. We’re all co-creators playing in this sandbox called life – to say that there’s a lot going on is an understatement, and this is why we speak of Divine timing. We are never alone, and everything is happening on a colossal scale just as it should be, when it needs to be.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 8

ALL SIGNS – I had a ‘feeling’ it would be about emotions today, and indeed it went one step further and relationships came up! Today, think about, hang out with or cultivate, in whatever way, positive connections. Feel love and know that you are loved – that is the most powerful manifestation vibration that we have at our disposable! I love you ❤ ❤

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 9

ALL SIGNS – What inspires you, lovely people? Because that inspiration is the well-spring of all creativity – without that initial spark, there wouldn’t be anything. I remember @flowersinyoclare once talked about how creative people get called immature, silly or goofy and yet it is that very sense of fun and play that allows them to be so creative. (Sorry, hun, certain you were much more eloquent than that!) This is why I think of the Page of Wands – he is the least serious of all the pages. He doesn’t think about outcomes and consequences, he’s ready for that adventure. It’s just a spark at this stage, but he’s ready to go fan the flames into a roaring blaze! I know it’s a Monday for most of us and trust me, I have a very long day ahead, but our challenge today, should we choose to accept it, is to bring some fun to our work or to find some play time. Even just sitting down and jotting down what inspires us, thinking about the spark counts! There’s that quote that says “You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you.” I absolutely agree! So, let’s go light this bitch up today!

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 10

ALL SIGNS – had a busy one this morning, just getting around to pulling a card now and what a card it is! I’ve been seeing this so much with many of my clients – people who have been working through their issues, healing and bringing the new ‘thems’ to step forward into new lives, to manifest those things that they want.

However, is there room in your life for the ‘jackpot’ as this card puts it? This isn’t just related to physically throwing out stuff we no longer need, but also in terms of our mental and emotional space. If you’ve truly healed it and let it go, then it doesn’t need to take up space in your head or heart.

A lot of my own work the last few years has been about boundaries, so I’ve gotten good at who I let in. But even I have noticed recently there are still people and situations who bring nothing but self-centred drama. I feel for them deeply – seeing someone in pain, even if it is because they keep stabbing themselves with the same sword, is never pleasant. They don’t realise they have the power to stop the pain and I trust their path will give them what it needs. But for me to allow more meaningful connections and encounters in my life, every second I spend even speaking about someone else’s drama, is a second spent away from heartfelt connections.

More than ever, I see how everyone is exactly where they need to be to take that next step. No-one is broken or needs fixing, not really, these are all stages of each of our personal evolutions. Some people don’t feel ready to evolve and it hurts. But if you’re ready, make room for the growth, make time and space available for those meaningful connections, look at the stories and feelings coming up, like a person packing for the adventure of their life – do you want to take that with you? Or will you find something better on the way? I love you, brave warriors – these are exciting times.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 11

ALL SIGNS – had to jump on and talk about this one a little bit. I get strong Judgement card vibes from this combo. Yes, that’s the card of the dark night of the soul, the one that brings us to our knees, but also transforms us so we can rise up like the phoenix from the ashes. A lot of us look to a new love or situation to redeem or save us. You hold the key to your own salvation, beautiful people. No matter what has happened, what if the slate was wiped clean and we were starting again from where we are right now? How would you proceed (the clue’s in the second card) ? Love you guys ❤ ❤

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 12

ALL SIGNS – today’s message is very simply, how committed are you to this life you are manifesting? The question behind that question is really how committed are you to you? Yesterday in my story I asked what would you do for love? If it’s worth anything to you, then ‘All In’ has to be the war cry of the warriors today. The way to cement this into reality, and it is Taurus season, is to do something physical. If you want that body, go throw out something from your fridge/pantry. Job search, make a plan, watch something that makes that spark burn brighter and gets you pumped. Why leave it until tomorrow when we can do it today? One step, that’s all it takes, one brick in that foundation, one Google search, one phone call or text message, one accountability post. It doesn’t matter what it is, it will send the message reverberating through the Universe that you are all in and more importantly, lead you to the next step. This is how empires are built and wars are won.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 13

ALL SIGNS – this message itself may be a little bit(?) of a head game, but here it is, a mini ramble about different aspects of this energy. The head is always going to look at the past, the heart is where we create for the future. So when the head pipes up, we’re already cruising around in the past. Let your feelings, your Divine guidance system show you the way forward and what you want to take with you. I could talk about this one for hours, so if there are any specific parts you want help with, let me know and I’ll add it to my list of future rambles.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 14

ALL SIGNS – so for today’s message, wrecking balls at the ready, I have a brief lesson from the tarot for you.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 15

ALL SIGNS – I want to say something else – manifestation is no longer the goal for me, what I mean by that is achieving the end result is almost inconsequential. If what you’re trying to manifest, no matter what it is, is the equivalent of bench-pressing 100kg, it’s what it will take to get there that for me personally is the bonus of manifesting. We are always manifesting all the time. When we talk about manifestation, what we mean is conscious, aware, deliberate intention setting. Same as the bench-pressing analogy, we are always using our muscles, but I’d need to use them in a deliberate, focused way to reach my goal. In terms of today’s message, we can be discouraged because we may not have the time to workout, the money for a gym membership, any idea about how to start getting stronger. But it is possible, right? You can do a search on IG alone to see people’s weight-loss or weight-training journeys.

If nothing else, I feel today’s message is urging us not to give up before we’ve even started, or get stuck because the results aren’t coming in fast enough. If we don’t believe the scales will ever tip in our favour, or that we’ll ever be stronger, then we’re going out there to fight with one arm tied behind our backs. Nothing lasts forever, you know that, so let’s boogie board that tipping scale and enjoy the ride, because even if you can’t bench-press the 100kg, on the journey to achieve that, maybe you’ll have learned to squat double that amount. Self-awareness is key because you’ve always got this and are getting stronger everyday.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 16

ALL SIGNS – All I really have to add to this is lots of love and gratitude. I talked about taking a breath and everyone breathing with me, but really it’s like we’re connected by one massive heartbeat, beating together. I do believe I’m part of a bigger whole, one in which we’re all connected as one. Things on that scale, they’re amazingly complex but simple too. Simple because whatever you do to yourself, whatever you do on the smaller scale, it effects everything. There is a rhyme, there is reason, it doesn’t always make sense, but we trust it and believe it based on our own personal experiences and expressions. Choices – we do have them. Choose to beat with us and know that just like an orchestra playing different instruments, we don’t all have to be on the same vibration – that wouldn’t be a song, that would be a note. It might look good/bad, positive/negative, but everyone playing their part is what makes this beautiful song called life.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 17

ALL SIGNS – How do we figure out what’s holding us back? One way is figure out what you’d like to do/say/be then ask yourself why you aren’t/haven’t already. Listen out for the “I can’t” parts of that inner dialogue, because like the 8 of Swords, that’s going to identify the trap. We do this weird thing where we think the thing/person/situation we want will free us. When really we have to be free to attain it. So let’s slip those nasty knots holding us back today! Oh and I will add, it’s not just the can’ts, be aware of where you’re waiting on someone else to make a decision. Yes, I know sometimes it’s necessary, but remember the marshmallow test I talked about last week – are you just sat waiting or doing other things in the meantime?

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 18

ALL SIGNS – Think about those comic book stories that so many love so much. Do we love them because they have snazzy superpowers? I’m a huge fan and my favourite is Superman. Not because he’s strong or can fly, but because he’s an alien who could choose to use his power in a number of different ways, but does it to be of service. I did a Superman marathon not too long ago and no matter what people say about the movies, I cried all the way through Batman vs Superman, because I always see the personal struggle in each person’s story (maybe that’s my superhero power) and the misunderstandings he faced were all too relatable to me. Even as an alien, he embodies all the best elements of being a human that we all aspire to be. I talked about this in a live on YT once, this is the struggle we all face, when we have gifts and knowledge – how do we use them? That’s why you can have, for example, an Aquarius who uses what they see to play with people like they are toys, or to help bring unity and hope through change. Same energy, it’s how we use it.

Think about what I wrote above, yes, I am saying you have more power than you realise not less. At the end of the day, what we love about our heroes, is not their superhuman abilities, but their triumph over adversity. To quote another hero of mine: “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” Amen, Rocky Balboa, that there is a description of the warrior’s path and whether you know it or not, you’ve been on it since the day you were born.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 19

ALL SIGNS – I think I said it all in the videos BUT let’s do this, today, give me your biggest reason why you want off the raft but think you can’t. I will be responding, where I can, with the coulds. I’m pretty blunt so only mention it if you really want off the raft but can’t. Answers will be based solely on the info you give here. Let’s go!

Podcast Ramble about Getting Off the Raft

ALL SIGNS – thought I’d forgotten about your message today? Nope, it was just bigger than a card pull. You’ll find the ramble using the link to my website in my bio and it’s on the podcast page! (here’s the link!)

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 20

ALL SIGNS – I looked up the meaning for intuition and it says “the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning”. Yet, at first you may need to consciously reason with yourself, especially if you’re new to trusting your intuition. Even if what your intuition tells you goes against your wants, 9 times out of 10, it will make you feel good. There will be a deep resonating truth that gives birth to a new path, new action.

I talked about the Moon card, but the High Priestess is also a card of intuition. Think about the card that comes after her, the Empress. When we trust what we know at an intuitive level it will give us creation, expansion, growth and abundance. So if you’re feeling stuck or blocked, it’s more than likely that ego is hellbent on identifying with just one path or situation or fear is imprisoning you. Sit still, take a deep breath and listen, for beyond them is your intuition, telling you what you need. Most of the time we don’t align with it or trust it because our needs don’t always match our wants. So what is it that you need and will you allow your intuition to help guide you to it?

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 21

ALL SIGNS – What have you figured out, tried to figure out or noticed in the last 6 days? What is it that you truly love now? What controlled, balanced action can you take to go towards it? Even if you can’t physically move, the information we require is there for the taking, so planning and asking questions is a good idea now. This is most definitely not the energy of staying stuck knocking on doors that no-one is opening.

I want to share an example with you shown to me by the people who are forever telling me what to do with my readings. Trust me, I’m not annoyed – everything serves and I always feel sorry for them. I get told I’m gifted and talented etc – the reason I am all those things is because I stay in my Chariot and take it in directions I want to go, I communicate directly and authentically using the 8 of Wands energy. True creativity comes from from your intuition and inspiration, not your audience. For me to be true to my path, my purpose, I basically do whatever the f**k I want to do when I want to do it. Authenticity is the only freedom that counts.

I feel sorry for people who want because their energy is the opposite of this message. When you’re demanding, begging, manipulating, cajoling, whatever form it take, others to do what you want, you’re stood in one spot getting the world to revolve and be the way it’s comfortable for you. That’s a fool’s game and you will lose every single time. It’s cool to ask for your needs to be met, but is it a true need or is there some movement or action you could take to go do something else? Growth involves movement. I’m not just talking about people demanding things from readers, think about friends, family members, colleagues etc – accept me, don’t accept me, express where you are, absolutely, but don’t try to change me. You can add an infinite number of “I love you’s” at the end of that demand, but what you’re really saying is “I love you if you change in this way”. That’s not love.

You have the power, the will, the drive, the inspiration to be whatever you want to be – go be it, but remember growth requires movement, only inanimate objects stay intact, in one form.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 22

ALL SIGNS – so bizarre, right?! Yesterday I was harping on about movement and today we get time-out. But as most people who workout know, rest days are important. Whether you get to physically take a time-out or not, consider taking a break from more work on yourself (step away from the shadow self!) I always find we can learn more from just being present with ourselves than from any reading, or anything, because that’s how we figure out what’s actually going on, then we can explore that with tools etc, but first figure out what’s going on with you. We’re changing all the time and unless we stop and smell our internal energetic roses once in a while, we may continue down a path we were done with a long time ago but didn’t even realise because we were still stuck on auto-pilot.

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 23

ALL SIGNS – Who is it that you’re willing to be to get what you want? Big question, right? But before you can answer that, who are you now? What does present you, think, want, love, desire? Every answer we seek is always in the present moment. We can become so attached to results sometimes that we don’t even wonder if we’re still enjoying the journey. We do I because one of our past selves wanted it.

Decks used: #TheOracleOfE #ThePowerofSurrenderCards #ArcanumTarotDeck

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 24

ALL SIGNS – I’d like to add one thing especially to everyone who has messaged me telling me how much they dislike this deck, where are you looking for the pretty pictures in your life? Where are you trying to find the sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, when the truth is, you’re the artist who paints in the beautiful and fantastic? Do you remember when we were kids and our imaginations could turn a blanket into a fort, a shadow into a T-rex or a rug into lava? That child still lives within you!

When you saw this card, how did it make you feel? It made me laugh, but your first reaction, that’s your true message, no matter what I rambled on about with my energetic hangover. Take that “yea right?!” or “When?!” or “haha so feeling this!” etc and run with it – that’s the part of this message that shows you were you are – the starting point from which to be a curious optimist.
Decks used: #TheOracleOfE #ThePowerofSurrenderCards

IG Taurus Season Manifestation Challenge 25

ALL SIGNS – you can’t make this shit up! Love the message, love this energy and let’s go. Change is happening, right now, it’s happening, but we each get to decide how easy or hard it’s going to be. That’s not about blame, it’s about being accountable to ourselves and our dreams (no coincidence that word came up for both of the oracle cards). Put someone else in your shoes – a person you love dearly – what would you want for them? How would you have their back? Have your own back even more powerfully! Here’s to ‘Death’ – see you on the otherside!

Decks used: #TheOracleOfE #ThePowerofSurrenderCards #TarotIlluminati