A Few Thoughts on Aquarius Energies and an Overview of Times Ahead

Last night I sat and wrote about some of my eclipse season experiences. But I wanted to talk about my take on Aquarius energies and an overview of times ahead as I feel them. Now, remember, when I talk about Aquarius, I’m talking about the energy of the sign – not the people. Just like people of every sign, not every Aquarius will vibrate at the higher end of the spectrum of the available energy. Furthermore, no-one is pure Aquarius – we have all 12 signs in our birth charts, so we’re all going to act and react in different ways.

We keep hearing about how we’re moving towards the Age of Aquarius – some people say it has already begun, others that it is still a way off. In my opinion, we are in a transitional phase and one that is going to last decades and maybe already has. There is no way that we as a collective will just wake up one day and be in an Aquarian Utopia of peace, love and harmony. Aquarius is all about what we know and where we belong. It is the collective.

Aquarius is often seen as a cold, detached sign which is extremely emotionless. I believe as an energy, nothing could be further from the truth. The symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer. In tarot, water represents emotions. So Aquarius feels and feels very deeply. But, it also has the ability to take a step back from emotions and look at them in a logical way. As we complete this transit through Aquarius season, we have all had access to this energy. What do you know now that you didn’t a month ago? I’m guessing it’s big, but only if you allow yourself to look.

I feel this season with the eclipses has been a precursor of the times to come. Yes, we have a party in Capricorn for the next couple of years, but where are they headed next? Aquarius. I felt this so clearly with the eclipses and that 1st and 7th house energy had a lot to do with this knowledge. Who we are as individuals is everything to do with the collective, because each one of us makes up the collective. We are all weird and wonderful individuals and must be proud of who and what we are. BUT for you to be allowed to be able to express your own beautiful unique personality in this world, it means we must allow everyone else to do the same. This is the point at which we are stuck. Look around, look at the comments people make about TV shows, colleagues, videos, anything really; how accepting are people? Who is one person to criticise and judge another?

This doesn’t mean that we just allow society to run wild – even I’m not that much of an anarchist. But I believe the Age of Aquarius is when we do not look to anyone to fulfil our emotional needs. Before you think I’m saying it will be a cold and sterile age, pause for a moment to consider it. Imagine a time when everyone knows who they are and what they are worth. They love themselves and accept who they are without condition and without judgement. How would these people interact with the world? For starters, they don’t need approval from others and they won’t project their own insecurities on others. If anything, in this state, we’re more able to love. We can look at people and see that their behaviour has nothing to do with us and we can just appreciate them for who they are. We don’t need to change them to fit within our own hopes and fears. This is when we’ll be capable of pure, unconditional love. We’ll know who or what makes us feel good and we can enjoy those experiences.

The past couple of months have been crucial. I think the energy of Capricorn showed us what was wrong and we gained valuable knowledge about this in Aquarius season. Pisces season is going to help us to fully realise what this means for us as individuals. Then the energy shifts and we head into Aries season where we can define anew who we are. I feel up until the Mars retrograde later this year, we are going to be making profound changes around aspects of our ego. The word ‘ego’ has a bad reputation in spiritual circles. We’re supposed to drop the ego. But that is our identity. Like everything else, it’s how we use the information that comes through our ego in conjunction with everything else that we have going on. We understand such things as “Who am I?” “Why am I that?” “Is this who I want to be or did someone else decide this for me?”.

As you’ve no doubt heard me saying many times before, every great love story begins with how we love ourselves. The connection and relationship we have to the self determines the kinds of relationships that we get into. After the Mars retrograde, comes the Venus retrograde, in Libra no less. This is when we take the realisations and work we have done on ourselves and see how they play out in relationships.

Now, I’ve really simplified much of this to give a very quick overview of how I see the upcoming energies. But know this, the energies are just weather. You decide if the sun is too bright to go out or if you need to wear a raincoat. Please do not get caught up on any one transit. You are so much more than your sun sign or rising or even your birth chart. A birth chart is not a life sentence. It is what we have to work with. A tarot reading is not written in stone, it is a message designed to get you to figure out what you want to do. The most crucial part to any aspect of anything is you. You are the centre of your universe, but remember, everyone else is also the centre of theirs. Appreciate yourself, shine as bright as you can and allow other people the freedom to do the same.

Love you so very much.