After a Mercury Retrograde

A Mercury Retrograde can have a huge impact on people's lives, both physically and developmentally, here we look at how these effects can continue even afterwards.
Have you had a tough start to 2015? Have there been unforeseen delays and problems? Or maybe you’ve been feeling more emotional and not reacting as calmly or logically as you usually would? Well, it would seem that you are not alone as just about everyone I have spoken to this last month has been saying something along those lines. I even had one lady ask me “Why is everything going wrong? Has the world gone nuts?” Some people would say that this is normal at the beginning of the New Year. After all, with credit card bills, colds and flu, cold weather and a return to reality after the Christmas period, no-one is going to be in the best frame of mind or mood. However, there are also those that point at the recent Mercury Retrograde, which lasted from 21st January until 11th February. Mercury goes retrograde a few times a year, this means that it appears to go backwards (only appears, it doesn’t actually change direction).

You can find out more about the recent Mercury Retrograde and how it may have affected you by watching the video below:

It may appear to be strange to be talking about all of this now. After all, the effects of the Mercury Retrograde ended on 11th February, right? Well, not exactly. I have to say, my life is usually only mildly affected by MRs, but this recent one has been a doozy! I did read somewhere that it may affect Fixed signs more (and Aquarius, along with Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, is a Fixed sign) and boy was that true! I had 2 phones die in my household on the same day, one laptop and delay upon delay. Admittedly, these were hardly life or death situations, still I did let out a sigh of relief when we hit 11th February. Except, that was when the real problems begun! I had a massive shake up in one of my closest relationships and even now, several days later I still feel rather shocked by the incident and I am very confused. Now, I feel like I don’t know that person as well as I thought I did and that our relationship is not as solid as I once considered it.

Then this morning I came across this video by Robert Ohotto in which he talks about the integration phase after a MR (this current phase will last until 3rd March 2015). It really made a lot of sense to me in connection to my current issues in the relationship I mentioned above. I don’t know precisely if the changes I now perceive in that person are due to the MR or if they’ve been there a while and I was just too caught up in myself to have noticed. Either way, I really think that the ‘updating of files’ that Robert Ohotto talks about in this video make a lot of sense on many different levels. So why don’t you check it out, maybe it can help shed some light on issues you may be experiencing and don’t forget to let me know how you get on. Be it planetary influences or just every day occurrences, we can all use a little help and guidance from time to time.

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