Why Do You Want A Tarot Reading? – The Purpose of the Tarot

Why Do You Want A Tarot ReadingThe single most important thing you can do before getting a reading is to question yourself as to why do you want a tarot reading.  This is important and as a business person, it is probably foolish for me to even point out this fact; like a car salesman telling you the benefits of catching the bus rather than owning a car.  However, I’m a reader committed to helping people and promoting the real wisdom of the tarot in our lives, and the truth of the matter is that I would much rather read for people who really need a reading and who will gain the maximum benefit from it.

The best way to determine whether a tarot reading is right for you or not is to look at the purpose of a tarot reading, and see if it suits your needs.  To help you to do that, here is some information on what a Tarot Reading is not and also the wonderful things that can be achieved with a reading.



…a substitute for professional advice.  For example, if you have fears and concerns about health or financial matters, you need to speak to a trained professional in that field.

…a way to bypass difficult communication.  For example, if you are having trust issues with a partner, you need to speak to him or her about that, rather than asking the cards to ‘spy’ on your partner with a question like “Is my husband lying to me?” or “Does she love me?”

…able to give you 100% guarantees about your future.  The future is a changing thing; what we do in the present, changes what will happen in the future.

…able to make choices and decisions for you.  Free will is a great and beautiful thing and it is up to us as people to decide what we want to do in our lives and not have anyone or anything dictate that to us.  If we do not make our own choices, we do not grow and learn.

So what is the purpose of a Tarot Reading?


…give you insight and guidance into a situation or problem by looking at different aspects of the current situation in depth and give you perspective.

…allow you to make informed choices by helping you to take a more subjective look at what is happening in your life.

…help you to be the master of your own destiny by showing you a possible future that exists depending on your present actions; if you like what you see, continue doing what you’re doing.  If you don’t, it is time to make some changes.

…be an important tool to help you gain self-confidence because it can bring out those thoughts and feelings that you may have been afraid of or scared to admit out loud.

…tell you what you need to hear for self-empowerment.  After all, a reading is YOUR message so it will only ever contain information that you are ready for.

If your desire for a reading comes from a place of fear and avoidance, there is probably a better option for you.  If, however, you have a sincere desire to understand the dynamics of your situation and/or actions, then a Tarot Reading could be just what you need to help you regain control and to feel confident in your actions and your ability to create the future that you want.

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