The Significance of Seeing the Number 11 Everywhere: Aquarian Insight Free Reading

The Significance of Seeing the Number 11 EverywhereDo have a number that shows up again and again in your life?  Well, the question I received this time is about the significance of seeing the number 11 everywhere.  I am very interested in numerology and am aware that many people experience the phenomena of recurring numbers in their lives.  These are numbers such as 11, 22, 33 etc that seem to crop up everywhere in a person’s life.  They could be house numbers, parking slots, hotel rooms, and significant dates and so on and so forth.  The main point is that they come up with such frequency that one has no choice but to wonder exactly what the point of their appearance is.  Some people argue Confirmation Bias and that even though there are the connections to many other numbers in our lives, we choose to only see the number 11 in this case.  Even if that is the case, the fact that the number 11 stands out more than the others is in itself important and does not limit its message.

Tarot or Numerology?

This is the first time that anyone has ever asked me to read on this topic and I was eager to take the opportunity to do so, although having done the reading, I fear I may have bitten off more than I could chew.  Numerology attaches meanings to numbers, so the number 11 has keywords, ideas and meanings all on its own, so many posit that when we start to see a number again and again, it is the Universe’s way to draw our attention to some message.  However, the same numerologists will also admit that the significance of the message is an individual thing and this is where tarot can help explore the individual connections to the number.

The General Meaning of the Number 11

Astrologically the number 11 is connected to Aquarius, in tarot, the Justice card is number 11, in the Rider-Waite deck at least.  It is interesting to note that the image in that deck seems to show the number 11 in the form of the two pillars on either side of the throne and seated figure.  The card and the number are also connected through their meanings, especially those of enlightenment, wisdom, balance and duality.  The number 11 is a master number and connected to intuition.  Ironically, when you start seeing the number 11 everywhere, chances are that you are being encouraged to take a closer look at some aspect of your life that you are most likely trying to ignore.

Before I move on to the reading, I would like to point out that any reader is a filter for the messages received from the tarot.  While I have my interpretation of the cards, another reader will most likely have a different one, hence they would be a different filter.  I wanted to explain a little about what I know about the significance of seeing the number 11 everywhere, so you know what I bring to this reader even before I begin to interpret the cards.

The Reading

I am extremely grateful to ‘C’* who allowed me the opportunity to perform this reading; it truly was an experience.  Here is the question and a summary taken from the full reading which you can read here.

I’ve noticed over the last few years that the number 11 is very prominent in my life.  An example is my house number 4 + 7 = 11. My wedding anniversary. My company letters. My mobile number and may other things etc. this year  my camp site was 47. My question: apart from numerology, can the tarot cards show more enlightenment about the number 11.*

The interpretation of this reading is, in some ways, very different from the way I would normally interpret the cards because rather than using them to simply show the energies surrounding your question or situation, they are being used to interpret the message from the presence of the number 11 in your life.  In some ways it makes the meanings found here not as clear because the link is indirect.  Also, there are numerological factors which need to be taken into consideration and as I stated in the reading, it is important to start making a note of what it is you are thinking and feeling when you notice the number 11 as well as what may be going on around you.  The premise of this reading is that the 11 is there for a reason and the purpose of this reading is to look at what that message is related to.

There are two main things that came up, which is also in keeping with the numerological aspects of the number 11.  Firstly, there is at least one although more likely two very strong male energies and your focus/attention is being diverted in two different directions.  Secondly, there are signs of a change; this could be from something as simple as starting a new project or to beginning a new phase in your life.

Usually, in a reading where there are more than one energies of the opposite sex, it can be easy to pinpoint these as related to romance, or more than one suitor.  However, in this reading there were not any cards linked to romance, so it was not possible to make that distinction.  Once again, as the reading is a sort of filter for the number 11, all I can say is that the fact you are being presented with this number is related to these male energies.  This is important because it helps to provide a clue as to which direction you should look for answers.  It means that the numerological meanings of the number 11 need to be applied not just to you, but with your connection to at least one, if not two men.

But the reading is very much about you, not anyone else; you are being urged to narrow your focus, to make a choice, to choose your path.  No matter how suddenly things appear to change in our lives, the truth is that when we look back, we will notice that circumstances have been preparing us for that change for a while.  So I cannot help but wonder if the number 11 has been coming up for the last few years to prepare you for the upcoming changes.  It is, of course, possible that a change caused the appearance in the first place but I’m more inclined to focus on changes occurring in the present and future.  The presence of the Page and Ace of Wands in particular make me think that you are ready now for something new and have the energy and enthusiasm to do something differently.

The number 11 is a master number and is known as the Illuminator.  You can be sure, from a purely numerological point of view that its presence is there for enlightenment and guidance.  The cards too echo this and show a positive outcome.  More details available in the full reading breakdown.

If you would like to submit a question for a free tarot reading, read Free Personal Tarot Reading in Agony Aunt Style for more details and fill out the form there.

*Initial used at the enquirer’s request.  All information from the question to the response has been posted with permission.