Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

409 9 of WandsIn this image there is a battered and weary looking man with a bandage around his head.  He leans heavily on a staff with eight wands standing in a row behind him, with a gap for one more, and the man stands in front of this gap.

There are two different scenarios I see in this image.  The first is that a staff has been removed from the wall of staffs, leaving an opening which this man must defend.  He is beaten and exhausted, but he continues to defend the gap.  The second is that this man is repairing or installing the staffs, but is exhausted by the effort, and although he only has one staff left to add he barely has the energy to continue.  In either scenario though, I get a message of perseverance and not giving up, because if as in the first scenario he is defending the hole, it is a small gap and he can place the wand he holds into it to make the wall whole.  The same goes for if he is repairing it; his work is almost complete.  This is no time to just give up, no matter how batter he feels and how difficult it seems.  The end is within sight; all he needs is that final push to get the job done.

These are the Nine of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

You have probably been working hard and pushing yourself and this is where exhaustion and doubt come in. You may be questioning whether this has been worth it and if you will ever reach the end. You are almost there and this card urges you to give that final push. This is not the time to give up as the end is within site.

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