King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

414 King of WandsIn this court card’s image we see a king sitting on a throne adorned by lions and lizards.

In many ways, he is very similar to the queen of this suit which we previously looked at.  However, I get the feeling that he is not so relaxed sitting on his throne as she is.  She wants to be adored, and I’m not saying this king does not, but he looks as though he is going to get up any minute and walk off in the direction he is looking, perhaps to go and mingle and talk to his court.  Just look at the way he leans forward in his seat and his gaze is fixed on something.

The lion on his throne is like a regal insignia and shows that he has no doubt in his right to be king or in his own power.

These are the King of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card may indicate a man who is an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, or someone of another sign displaying these qualities. This man oozes charisma and energy and the people around him will do almost anything to please him. He can be found at the centre of social gatherings firmly in the limelight. However he does have a jealous side and can be a bully when his expectations are not met.

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