Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

408 8 of WandsThe very bottom of this image is a landscape, which is similar to most of the landscape scenes on the other cards in the deck.  The majority of the card is made up of sky and we see eight staffs here.  The staffs are angled and lined in a formation.  It makes me think of arrows that have been shot from a bow and are flying through the air.  This gives me the impression of speed.  Eight wands or staffs whizzing through the air like that could be quite scary, terrifying even.  However, their formation is structured and organized, not messy and random, which seems reassuring.

The wands are important because they are all that we have to go with in this image.  There are not any people or animals in this image to help our understanding.  So, if we go back to the first card of the Wands, the Ace of Wands, we can remind ourselves of what the Wands embody, which is energy and enthusiasm and support while we fulfill our goals, even our creative goals.  So, is the Eight of Wands just an extension of the Ace?  Rather than one staff, here we have eight flying down.  Yes, that may be scary, but it is also an exciting opportunity and it is up to us to make the most of whatever opportunities these wands represent.

These are the Eight of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

Things may be happening very quickly when this card appears. But do not feel overwhelmed or worried as you will make the best use of the energy available to you. You may have already done all that you could have done, now is the time to let yourself be carried along by this energy and let it be.

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