Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

401 Ace of WandsThis card depicts a hand holding a staff or wand.  The landscape below shows a river and in the distance a castle on a hill.

This card always makes me think of a quest.  I imagine taking up the staff, preparing to cross the river and crossing the land until I reach the castle in the distance where my destiny awaits.  There is a fairytale quality to this image and rather than feeling daunted by the long journey ahead, I feel excited and ready to get going.

Whereas the sword presented in the Ace of Swords image would suggest courage and fighting for an ideal or belief, this Wand speaks more to the quest and the journey that we are about to begin.  It would appear to endow us with the energy and enthusiasm to start a new venture or project, and have the optimism to be quite bold in our actions.

These are the Ace of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

A new beginning in work or career is indicated. You should now have the energy and enthusiasm to start a new venture or project, and have the optimism to be quite bold in what you decide to do. Enjoy this time and make the most of it!

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