King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

314 King of SwordsIn this court card’s image, we see a king sitting on his throne holding a sword raised in one hand. 

There’s something stern about this king.  He looks like he doesn’t suffer fools gladly and, much like the queen of this suit, the way he holds his sword shows that he is willing to use it if the need arises.  He looks straight ahead, unflinching and undistracted.  There is intelligence and knowing in this man’s face which is to be respected, but I guess also feared.

In many respects he is very similar to his female counterpart and he too has a butterfly adorning the back of his throne.  The thing with a butterfly is that it shuts itself away in a cocoon alone and then fights its way out alone; the transformation is a solitary thing.  This speaks of the king’s independence and self-reliance.  No doubt this king is strong, but there is also something cold about him, especially as he doesn’t seem to need anyone else.

These are the King of Swords tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card may indicate a man who is a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, or someone of another sign displaying these qualities. An extremely intelligent man who has firmly held ideals that he is willing to fight for at almost any cost. He has a brilliant mind and is able to see all sides of an argument, but may be viewed as cold, harsh and distant by others.

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