Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

304 4 of SwordsThe image on this card shows what appears to be a tomb with the effigy of a knight on top of it, laying in prayer.   On the wall behind the tomb hang 3 swords and a fourth sword is on the side of the tomb.  In the top left hand corner we see part of a stained glass window.

At first glance this appears to be a morbid scene, but I actually find it very peaceful and quiet.  I imagine walking into the cool hush of a cathedral, leaving the heat and chaos outside.  Here lies a knight who fought for his country, maybe even died for it, but now he is at peace; now he is at rest.  No matter what happened in his life and no matter what will happen when I walk out of that cathedral, for those moments there is nothing but rest, escape and peace.

The story this card tells seems to be that a break is needed and have some time for yourself.  Whether it is a time of working too hard, a particularly emotionally trying time or physically health needs some attention, for now rest and solitude is needed.  There may even be the notion of grief here given that the image is of a tomb.

These are the Four of Swords tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

It is very likely that you need to take a break and have some time for yourself. You may have been working too hard, had a particularly emotionally trying time or physically your health needs some attention. Whatever the case, take time and space from your normal routine. May sometimes indicate grieving for something you feel you’ve lost.

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