Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

203 3 of PentaclesHere we see a craftsman on a platform working on a building and beside him two people are consulting what look like blueprints and speaking to the craftsman.

The ornate and elaborate doorway features three pentacles in its design and it makes me think that this is an entrance to a grand church or cathedral, especially as one of the men looks like a friar.  It would make me think of just cosmetic changes or superficial skills on the part of the craftsman if he was the only person in the image, but he is not.  The presence of the other two people and especially the blueprints or architectural drawings they hold seem to suggest a great work is being undertaken.  It is not complete as yet, but it is definitely at an important stage.

I feel the story here is that great progress is being made on a project  and even though the work is still not complete, it is headed in the right direction and the work done so far is a firm foundation on which to build on.  I also think this solid platform on which to build is signified by the platform that the craftsman stands; it could have been a ladder or some such thing, but instead it is this platform.

These are the Three of Pentacles tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card is saying ‘so far so good’. You have worked hard and have gained acknowledgement for this, although you may not have received the financial reward yet. It indicates that you have a firm foundation to build on and bodes well for the future. Keep doing what you are doing; plan for the future, help and backing can be expected.

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