Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

210 10 of PentaclesThere is a lot happening in this image.  If we begin from the background, we see buildings, then a couple talking to one another, with a small child near them.  The people are just on the other side of an archway.  On the near side of the archway sits an old man with colourful robes with two dogs at his feet.  Over this image are ten coins laid out in a pattern which suggests the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

I find this an extremely interesting card.   I have heard many versions of what people see in this card, and the beauty of the tarot is that none of us are incorrect in what we see; it is the message that we receive.  For some the scene takes place in a market place or garden or castle courtyard.  Others see the old man as a wise old magician who goes unnoticed by all in the image except the dogs. 

What I see in this image is that the old man, whether a magician or not, by his very age symbolizes knowledge and power.  The fact that an archway separates him and the other people in this card would mean that they obviously do not have this knowledge and power as yet.  They are not interested in the old man, but instead seem happy and excited about something else.  Perhaps they are enthralled by their surroundings, by the material and physical.  The old man has the sense of “been there, done that”; he finds pleasure in petting the dogs at his feet, and does not look around as the younger people do.  We see three generations in this image.  Each generation passes on, leaving behind knowledge, wisdom and riches for the one which follows. 

The family here and the relation to coins make me think back to the Ten of Cups.  There is much to be happy and grateful for, in fact each person finds something different here.  There is abundance for all and the different generations make me think of legacy and inheritance.

These are the Ten of Pentacles tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

A card of abundance and legacy. You have much to be grateful and happy for and this is something likely to be happily shared with friends and family. In fact the support of family and friends is indicated here. This card may also signify an inheritance.

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