Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #SevenofCups tarot card meanings and imagery. A time of rationalising and analysis is indicated. You may be faced with a selection of choices, or just not be sure about what it is that want to do.In this image we see the silhouette of a man (although it could be a woman as there are no details) and before him floating in the clouds are seven cups, each containing a different item.  These items are a face, a shrouded figure with extended arms, a serpent, a castle, jewels, a wreath and a dragon.

The fact that there is nothing else on the card, no landscape or buildings suggests to me that the person must decide from the cups before him.  The options seem so diverse and the figure may be feeling spoilt for choice.  In fact the way his arm is raised, it is as though he is about to take one of the cups.  Something about this image makes me think that he can only have one cup.  But which one should he take?    Also, the fact that he is just a silhouette tells me that he is undefined as yet.  His choice will define who he will become, so he must choose carefully. 

Therefore the story here seems to be that although we may be faced with a myriad of different options, it is a time of analysis and assessment to decide which dreams are worth pursuing and which are better left behind.  Each is tempting in its own right, but the temptation is not enough.  It is time to make a decision.  The act of analysis may seem like a completely logical one, but this is a cups card, therefore we cannot forget the emotional connection here.  Is it that the contents of the cups calls to us emotionally, but we must look beyond just the emotional?

These are the Seven of Cups tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

A time of rationalising and analysis is indicated. You may be faced with a selection of choices, or just not be sure about what it is that you want to do. This is a time to decide and focus; which dreams are worth pursuing and which are better left behind. Real progress can only be made once a decision is made.

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