Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #NineofCups tarot card meanings and imagery. A sign of great personal happiness and fulfilment. This is the 'Wish Card' and indicates the fulfilment of a wish with a resounding The image on this card shows a man sitting on a bench looking very satisfied.  Behind him is a curved table or shelf adorned with nine cups.

The man looks well off with his robe and plumed hat and he is extremely happy, almost smug.  His arms are folded, but not defensively; they seem to show completion and satisfaction with a job well done.  He sits before a high table or shelf which looks purpose built for the cups sitting on it.  Unlike the Eight of Cups, there are no gaps or spaces; no cups missing.  This would suggest contentment.  The man has everything he needs.  Therefore this card would appear to signify happiness and fulfilment.  Indeed the cups look almost like trophies on display.  He has achieved that which he wanted to achieve and can sit and enjoy his success.

While this card does seem to suggest that the wish has been granted, it makes me wonder what the man does next.  How long can he sit there enjoying his trophies?  When one wish is fulfilled, it is not long before another wish is expressed; what once fulfilled us, may not do so for long.

These are the Nine of Cups tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

A sign of great personal happiness and fulfilment. This is the ‘Wish Card’ and indicates the fulfilment of a wish with a resounding “Yes”. As always, be careful what you wish for though. On the whole, though, this card indicates good things about to come your way.

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