Judgement Tarot Card Meanings

Judgement Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #Judgement tarot card meanings and imagery. Key Words: Judgement, Rebirth, Inner Calling, AbsolutionThe Judgement card seems biblical in its imagery. An angel blowing a trumpet looks down on a scene where the dead seem to be rising up from their graves. This may seem like it should be considered a gruesome image, but I don’t find it so at all. The dead include men, women and even children and they are rising from their graves not as zombies or as some kind of scary undead, but seem happy and they have their arms raised in joy, looking up at the angel.

The angel appears to be heralding a very big change, a new time. It is Judgement Day and the dead have been resurrected; all deeds, all sins, all good actions will be accounted for and then they will go to their rightful place.

The story goes, that after the resurrection of the dead, there will be the final judgement. This seems to indicate that there is something a completeness to what has gone before.

This card tells me that even though we can usually hide things away, hide who we are and what we are, on Judgement Day, nothing will be hidden. It is time to face that which has gone, come to terms with it all, then leave it and face the future without fear, because there is no point in regrets now as we move forward. It’s difficult to hide from the truth in a situation like this; everything is open and revealed, so we have no choice but embrace it and go with the flow.

These are the Judgement tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

Key Words:  Judgement, Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution

General:  The Judgement card is here today to ask you to reflect on your past deeds, forgive, accept the past is the past and then to release it all, so you can look to your future without fear.  It’s time to make that final decision and accept change so you can heal and renew.

Love:  Today may be a day to make a decision regarding the future of your love life.  It’s a time to reflect on the path that has lead you to this point and then to make a decision to commit or not based on that.  You may choose to commit to a person or an ideal, but it is time to release the past and look to the future.

Work:  There may be a time of Judgement at work for you.  If you have been working hard, your effort will be rewarded.  If however you have not been giving your best to your job, it is not too late to change that and to start giving 100% today.

The Judgement card asks you to reflect on your past deeds, forgive, accept the past is the past and then to release it all, so you can look to your future without fear.  It’s time to make that final decision and accept change so you can heal and renew.

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