Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings

Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #Hierophant tarot card meanings. Key Words: Tradition, Education, Belief Systems, Conformity, Group IdentificationAt first glance, there is a very religious feel to this card, which is apt as The Hierophant is referred to as The Pope in some tarot decks. The image is reminiscent of a papal blessing from the way that the Hierophant is dressed and adorned to the raised arms and the way his right hand is poised. The religious connotations make me think of tradition, a long held belief system, something which we conform to without question and with complete faith.

The two men at the bottom of the image seem to be not only receiving a blessing, but are literally looking up at the Hierophant; he is the ideal, someone to be followed without question, to learn from. As in The High Priestess image, the pillars on either side of the Hierophant make me think of old institutes, universities, in this case places of worship and strength and learning.

On the surface, the card seems to have a strong, secure, comforting, positive message, but if we probe deeper there is also a strict rigidity here. Where’s the independent thinking? If what the Hierophant is teaching is the way things should be, there is no room for anything but conformity. Where is the excitement and enthusiasm for the new? There seems to be no room for free-thinking, just what that belief system or tradition dictates.

If the rigidity is in regards to something that we are learning or if we are part of an institution or in business, this might be a good thing. But if it is a set of rules or cultural values that we are allowing to hold us back in everyday life, then that is not such a good thing.

These are the Hierophant tarot card meanings we use in the free readings on Aquarian Insight:

Key Words:  Tradition, Education, Belief Systems, Conformity, Group Identification

General:  Today further study may be on your mind.  Even if it isn’t, you may find yourself having to conform to rules and traditions.  Playing by the rules may not always be fun, but doing so now will lead to a positive result.

Love:  Make sure you’re not working too hard and neglecting your love life today.  Even if you aren’t, you may find yourself acting in a way that you’re expected to act.  This is not the time to be unconventional.

Work:  This is a good time to consider a course or some sort of study to progress your career.  Today, you may also encounter a teacher or mentor who shows up just when you need them.  Work will go well as long as you don’t go breaking rules.

Conformity and tradition; doing what is expected from you.  This may be conforming to some aspect or rule of society or of an institute or place of learning.  Indeed, education or learning may also be indicated.  Are you being true to yourself or just doing what is expected from you?  Is there a course or class you want to take?


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