Learn to Read the Celtic Cross: Part 3


Celtic Cross Layout 0In this, the final part of the ‘Learn to Read the Celtic Cross’ series, I will take you through this amazing spread, one card at a time. If you want to know more about why this is such a great spread to use and how to prepare for the reading, be sure to read the previous two parts, the links are at the bottom of the page.

I have used a random example reading to illustrate the positions of the cards in the Celtic Cross spread, but please note, a tarot reading is much more than just the cards and the spread. A professional reader will bring their own psychic intuition and expertise to the reading. For the purposes of this post, I will concentrate on explaining the positions of the spread rather than focussing on the card meanings. Also, as there is no given question, just the cards, much of the direction of a real reading is lost, but I chose to do it this way, so I could show a wider significance of each position.

Below you will find a step by step guide to navigating your Celtic Cross spread Tarot reading. In the images, you will see that all the cards are face down and each card is uncovered in sequence. This is NOT my usual practice. I usually place all the cards face up as looking at them all together is also an important part of this reading for me. But for the purpose of ease and while we are learning, here we will deal with each position of the Celtic Cross spread on its own.

1st Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

The energy surrounding the problem or circumstance; the heart of the situation.


The first card is the centre of the Celtic Cross spread and it symbolises the central issue of the reading. If you have a Significator, this first card will cover it which signifies that this is the issue that covers the Querent. As a reader, this is the card that sets the tone of the reading and gives you some idea of the context of the cards that follow, especially when combined with the question being asked.

So, looking at our sample Celtic Cross tarot reading, we see The Lovers card. If the question asked is related to love life, then this would suggest that the Querent is dealing with a relationship and most likely a decision within that relationship. On the other hand, if the question concerns more practical concerns like work or finances, then we know that the root of the answer lies in looking at what the Querent loves to do in opposition to what he/she feels they must do.

2nd Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

What crosses you for good or for bad; the main obstacle.


The second card is placed across the first and slightly out to the left. This is what crosses you for good or for bad. I have said ‘main obstacle’ but this need not be a bad thing. While the second card more times than not shows what the obstacle is, if the question relates to an actual obstacle, this card can show you what would help in overcoming it.

The card shown in the image is The High Priestess, crossing The Lovers. This would suggest that the Querent’s gut feeling or instincts are the hindrance or help when it comes to the relationship or decision they are faced with. Reading this, you may be wondering how you will know which one of the two it is; how will you know if it is one or the other? The answer is too look at the reading as a whole. In this example of the High Priestess card, the answer is quite simple; the Querent is probably already aware of what he/she should be doing, and that is the basis of the indecision or the need to make a decision.

3rd Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

The path that has lead you to this point; past influences.


The third card is placed below the first two and signifies the past or root of the situation. I believe it is important to see where we have been and to understand past influences because it gives us a greater understanding of the situations we find ourselves in now and also to see where we might be headed.

Our example Celtic Cross Tarot reading shows the 5 of Pentacles in the past which symbolises financial or emotional poverty. If we remember the first card was The Lovers, we can draw the conclusion that there was a lack of support, be that emotional or practical, which affected the situation in the past. A picture is also beginning to form; we have a decision that needs to be made, but it’s not really a decision because the Querent has a gut instinct of what needs to be done. To look at what is stopping changes being made, we know that there is a history of a lack of support so there may be fears of returning to that kind of a state again.

4th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

The current passing influence; that which is to be released.


The fourth card I place to the right of the centre two cards and this would signify the present. Note that some readers will place this card to the left. This card will show us where the Querent is right now and it is the energy or situation they are leaving.

Our example Celtic Cross tarot reading shows The Fool and this would suggest that in the present there may be issues with being trusting and being open to changes and opportunities. He or she is starting a new journey and I would tell them to be open and trusting. Sometimes with The Fool, I would caution them to be careful that they are not too trusting, but that would depend on the other cards in the reading.

5th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

A future upcoming influence; that which is to be embraced.


The fifth card is placed to the left of the centre cards and if the previous two cards showed the past and present, this one shows the future, or the energy that is coming into play. It is always important to remember that while this is a future influence, it is not written in stone and can be changed if it indicates a situation one does not desire.

Therefore, the 10 of Pentacles would signify that the opposite of the past would be true. Where there was lack of support and security in the past, now there is support from family and friends and finances are much better. Therefore, the Querent’s fears or doubts are unfounded and they can follow the advice of The Fool and be more trusting.

6th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

The goal, aim or ambition; the best that can currently be achieved.


The sixth card is placed above the centre two and signifies what can be achieved in the situation. It is the goal, aim or ambition. This is sometimes referred to as that which Crowns the Querent.

So, if we look at the example Celtic Cross tarot reading, we see the 4 of Swords and this would indicate that after a difficult time, the Querent most likely desires an easier time. This could be anything from a few days off work, a spa break, because in general it is just a time for oneself to rest and recuperate.

7th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

Your feelings about this situation; your perception & reaction.


The seventh card is placed at the bottom on the right and makes up the base of the column. This card signifies the Querents feelings in the situation. Now, this is a tricky position, even though it appears to be quite straight forward. Yes, it can show precisely what the Querent is feeling, but what is the purpose of that? I find the card in this position is most helpful when it is read in relation to how the Querent is reacting to their circumstances. For example, you could see someone feeling very upset and disturbed about a problem, but the other cards do not show the problem being as serious as they believe it to be.

The Queen of Pentacles in this position could show several things. In a man’s reading it could show his feelings for a woman who has the same characteristics as the Queen of Pentacles or for a woman, it could refer to how she perceives herself at this time. Perhaps her life is caught up in work and practicalities, so she has been neglecting having fun or focusing on her relationship.

8th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

The energies surrounding your situation; outside factors.


The eighth card is placed above the seventh and signifies the energies surrounding your situation. These are outside factors or the environment that have a bearing on the Querent’s situation.

Based on the previous cards in our sample Celtic Cross tarot reading, I would suggest that the Page of Wands here would signify a chance for more adventure than the Querent has had in quite a while and this could come from other sources. Or it could even mean that there is a child who is indirectly affecting the choices being made.

9th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

Your hopes & fears about this situation.


The ninth card is placed above the eighth and represents the Querent’s hopes and fears within this situation. It may seem like a strange thing that one placement relates to both hopes and fears, but after having read the cards for two decades, I can assure you the two are more closely related than most people realise as even when we hope for something, we are often fearful of the change that accompanies it.

The Knight of Cups here could refer to the Querent’s desire for a relationship, but that to do so, he or she will have to concentrate more on his or her love life and draw back on other areas.

10th Card of the Celtic Cross Spread

The result of this situation if nothing is changed; the outcome.


The tenth card is placed at the top of the column. This card is a summation of the whole reading. It shows the most likely result if nothing changes and can help to sum up the reading as a whole.

So, the outcome in the example Celtic Cross tarot reading is the 6 of Wands which is the Victory card. It shows that even though the Querent has had a rough time of it, there will come a time soon when his or her hard work will be recognised. Following his or her heart will not lead to the lack of support seen in the past, but instead will lead to even more success and achievement.