Aquarian Insight Summer 2014 Update

Summer Sky Idleness QuoteHello all! I’m going to be terribly British for just a moment and talk about the weather. If you are in the northern hemisphere like me, I hope you’re surviving the heat, for those of you in the southern hemisphere, likewise for the colder weather. Those of you that have been following my posts know that I am not a sun lover or a great fan of summer and I tend to slow down in direct correlation to the rise of the mercury. This year we have been experiencing a heatwave in London. So, two weeks ago I decided I’d get away from the sweltering heat of the city.

This was a huge decision as I have so much work on. But sometimes you achieve much more by taking a break. So I visited old friends, my parents and spent a great week with my sister, her husband and my nephew. They’ve recently moved into a lovely farmhouse in Cirencester. Even though I am a city girl at heart, there must be something about the country air, because I slept and rested so much.

Now I’m back in my flat in London and I’m happy to be home and even happier to say that the weather is cooler. I will be easing myself back into work, but I just wanted to let you know that my Aquarian Insight working hours will be part-time at best until autumn. I’m still receiving reading requests and please keep sending them in, however very few of you have actually read the guidelines regarding what types of questions will be considered, so are missing out on the free reading. Please have a read through and re-submit your questions.

Next time I will continue with part two of My Tarot Journey. Once again, I’m sorry for not being around as much as usual, but I promise I’m still here!